Learn To Fly Wiki

"Thunderbirds are go!"

Screenshot (63)

The sidebar for Thunderbird 1.

The description of Thunderbird 1.


Thunderbird 1 (known as Thonderburd 1 in Steam Edition) is a pretty heavy, but pretty fast body. It also starts with more stage and boost slots than most bodies.


Thunderbird 1 is a card that can be obtained through a Booster Pack.

Level Top Speed Weight Stage Slots Boost Slots
1 20 20 Fixed 3 2
2 21.9 3 2
3 23.8 3 2
4 25.6 3 2
5 27.5 4 Fixed 2
6 29.4 2
7 31.3 2
8 33.1 2
Max 35 3
Max+1 35.7 3
Max+2 36.6 3
Max+3 37.5 3
Max+4 38.6 3
Max+5 39.7 4 Fixed
Max+6 40.8
Max+7 42
Max+8 43.2
Max+9 44.4
Max+10 45.7
Max+11 47
Max+12 48.3
Max+13 49.7
Max+14 51
Max+15 52.4
Max+16 53.8
Max+17 55.2
Max+18 56.7
Max+19 58.1
Max+20 59.6
Max+21 61.1
Max+22 62.6
Max+23 64.1
Max+24 65.6
Max+25 67.1
Max+26 68.7
Max+27 70.2
Max+28 71.8
Max+29 73.4
Max+30 75
Max+100 225


Thonderburd 1 in Steam Edition is recolored green and yellow, versus red and blue from flash edition.
