"Get an extra boost during flight with a rocket boost. Fuel gauge stuck in the red? Come to us!"

Radical Rockets as seen on the map.
The line of text in the old shopfront.
Radical Rockets sells most of the rockets that can be bought in Learn 2 Fly Mobile; the remaining few can be purchased at Nemo's Secretest Secret. It is located at 400 meters.
Rockets can only be purchased from this shop after the previous rocket has already been obtained.
In order of price (and by extension, the order of appearance and unlocking in the shop):
- Helium Balloon
- Helium Tank
- Single Firework
- Multi Firework
- Lateral Propeller
- Home Made Missile
- Sugar Rush Rocket
- Ninja Pot
- Steam Blast
- Thor Rocket
- Lateral Boosters
- Omega Rocket
The remaining rockets in the game are sold at Nemo's Secretest Secret.
Gas Pump[]

The gas meter. It's rather empty.
Radical Rockets also allows you to upgrade the amount of fuel available to use in flight. The upgrade you have is indicated by a meter on the right side of the window.
- The requirement for unlocking the previous glider to purchase a new glider was not originally present. It was added in an update sometime in 2021.
- The flavor text on the shopfront has been removed, and can only be seen in old versions of the game.