Learn To Fly Wiki


Power is the force in all learn to fly games that pushes you forward using a rocket, stage, boost, or bodies.(also launchers) Below are the leaderboards for Power ( Max+100 in learn to fly 3(from strongest to weakest)) (if anything is the wrong rank please put the things that are in the wrong rank to the correct rank for them )

Stages Leaderboard (LtF3)

  1. Sonic Burst (Power: 2125)
  2. Sonic Drive (Power: 1520)
  3. Dubstep Drive (Power: 340)
  4. Monster Engine (Power: 70)
  5. Omega Balloon (Power: 45)
  6. Omega Rocket (Power: 35)
  7. Torpedo (Power: 22)
  8. RPG (Power: 20)
  9. Rodeo (Power: 19)
  10. Crusile Missile (Power: 18)
  11. Balloon Array, Fireworks, The DIY (Power:15)
