I did it... I can fly...
- Penguin
Penguin is the main protagonist of the Learn to Fly game series, (excluding Learn to Fly Idle), where his main goal is to prove the capability that penguins are able to fly, mainly through the help of equipment he has (and later with baby penguins), as well as other purchasable items to assist him in his path. In doing so, he would become the first penguin to fly.
He is an adult Emperor Penguin who takes on a more baby-like figure of its real life species. He also, like the rest of the penguins, is shaped like an egg from up front, like a bullet on his side.
In the mobile version of Learn to Fly, he has a more blue color and rounder beak, though he retains his general original appearance. In Learn 2 Fly Mobile, he takes on a slightly more different appearance, with bigger eyes and more visual detail on his legs.
- Learn to Fly
- Learn to Fly Mobile
- Learn 2 Fly
- Learn to Fly 3 - Kickstarter Video
- Learn to Fly 3
- Learn 2 Fly Mobile
- Learn to Fly 3 - Penguinterview
Learn to Fly[]
Somewhere in Antarctica, in a comfy wooden home, the Penguin was searching up his article on Kiwipedia, (reasons unknown) and while reading his page, he sees that his species is described as "flightless birds" making him question the notion and deciding to go out of his way to prove them wrong. With his gliders and rockets, which he gets more advanced ones as he earns money from flying, he slides off various icebergs to go 6,000 ft. in length and prove his capability of flight. After many days, he succeeds, but ends up crashing into an iceberg, initiating the series of events that would lead into the next game.
Learn to Fly Mobile[]
The plot revolves similarly to the original, with only minor changes, such as the Penguin seeing the statement in a newspaper, rather than in a computer. Nevertheless, it ends with him crashing into an iceberg.
Learn 2 Fly[]
After the crash, the Penguin was taken to a hospital, where he recovers from his injuries. While at the hospital, he tries and relieves himself by going to failbird.org, where he delights in seeing birds like the dodo fail. However, right below, uploaded by an unknown user, shows the Penguin crashing into the iceberg, labeling him ""Flying Penguin"...more like cannonball!" This enrages him, causing him to jump out, breaking the window of the hospital and landing in the snow, where he heads back to his house to plot revenge against the iceberg. After a day of research, he figured out the best way to do that is by using a sandbag dummy to crash into the iceberg by sliding it down a ramp and using rockets and gliders to reach its destination. After several days of modifications, the Penguin successfully destroys the iceberg, raising his arms in celebration. He logs on to fakebook and announces his victory. However, a user named someJERK insults his species and tells him to give up and die in a fire. Enraging him once more, he grabs a staff and uses it to open a chest (Indiana Jones style) and use his old equipment for revenge.
In the I.C.B.P. ending, he sends his dummy over the iceberg, which then travels to Mauritius, which is the home of the Dodo. The penguin stares in wonder and speculation as the dummy crashes through the Dodo's home.
In the Classic Mode ending, he lands in Nevada, where he encounters another bully who checks off a checklist on things he does, mainly involving bullying. When the penguin lands, he rings the doorbell and hits him in the face.
Kickstarter Video[]
In the video, the Penguin is depicted to do various things that are references to other films, such as 300, Titanic, Judge Dredd, Lion King, and a few others, where in some, he beats up a Dodo, though almost none of these actually occur in the real game.
Learn to Fly 3[]
After the events of LTF2, the Penguin checks his Gmail, where he gets positive emails about his success. However, he gets one email questioning if penguins can make it to the moon, which he brushes it off as hater talk. However, when he sees that it called him fat, he gets furious and punches his computer. He then launches out of his house with a rocket and sets to the Penguin NASA building. There, with the help of baby penguins, they find a way to get to the moon, mainly by launching a rocket with the penguin to it.
For the typical ending, he makes it to the Moon, landing on it, somehow surviving without a spacesuit, while a hedgehog floats across the screen.
In the Moon Crusher ending, the Penguin goes so fast he ends up fracturing the Moon into several pieces, while a penguin on the ground stands in shock and embarrassment over the situation.
In the Classic mode ending, he flies across the planet so fast he reverses the Earth's spin, rewinding time to when the game begins. He ends up crashing in his house next to the Penguin of his past, lying dead for him to see.
Penguin was interviewed by Gabriel Prevost shortly after his moon landing. In the interview, he goes on about how he ate three fish and almost choked to death. He acknowledges that it wasn't his inspiration to go to the Moon, but he says it was pretty tasty. Before the interview ended, he rambles on about types of fish ingredients.
Learn 2 Fly Mobile[]
In the trailer, it shows the Penguin dressed as a mad scientist, bringing the sandbag dummy "to life". Here, the game follows a vaguely similar plot to the original, but has many other things, such as side challenges and competition with friends.
Throughout the games, he is seen to be a very intelligent penguin who is capable of formulating and creating methods to achieve his dreams, such as flying, destroying the iceberg, and reaching the Moon. He is also headstrong, capable of cracking the Earth and the Moon and surviving in space without dying. However, despite his intelligence, he is easily ticked off at any demeaning comments made about him, especially those that say that he is fat and can't fly, which, in the later games, is the main source of inspiration to do these to prove the "haters" wrong.
- As mentioned in the interviews, the Penguin has a father named Mr. Penguin, who is most likely the old penguin seen in the results bar in Learn 2 Fly.
- In the Kickstarter video, there are various newspapers and medals awarded to the Penguin for his success in flying. There is also a photo shown that depicts him with a female penguin, most likely his wife, and a baby penguin, which is his child.
- Some bodies in LTF3 refer to him as Pingu, but that is mainly more of a "nickname".