"Welcome to Gusty Gliders, keeping you higher for longer! Please do try to land responsibly."

Gusty Gliders as seen on the map.
The line of text in the old shopfront.
Gusty Gliders sells most of the gliders that can be bought in Learn 2 Fly Mobile. It is located at 20 meters.
Gliders can only be purchased from this shop if the previous glider has already been obtained.
In the order of price (and by extension, the order of appearance and unlocking in the shop):
- Red Kite
- Pingu Balloon
- Umbrella
- Suspicious Glider
- Rusty Fan
- Colorful Parachute
- Propeller
- Zeppelin
- Rotor Blades
- The Wedge
- Tricycle
- The Puffin
- The Skylark
- Omega Glider
The remaining gliders in the game are sold at Nemo's Hidden Basement.
- The requirement for unlocking the previous glider to purchase a new glider was not originally present. It was added in an update sometime in 2021.
- The flavor text on the shopfront has been removed, and can only be seen in old versions of the game.