Learn To Fly Wiki
Learn To Fly Wiki


Bonus Points (BP) are points used in Learn to Fly 3 and Learn 2 Fly for the Bonus Shop. This article covers both versions.

Learn to Fly 3

Learn to fly 3 has the following methods to earn Bonus Points:

1. Booster Packs can give you 1 or more 25, 50, 100, 150, or 250 Bonus Point cards. They are likely based on rarity.

2. The Fidelity Card gives you a number of points every Day. Between 1 and 15 Bonus Points are achieved per in-game Day, depending on the item's level (Level 3 gives 3 per Day, and every over-level after adds 0.1).

3. Earn Medals to get Bonus Points. Each Medal can only be achieved once, and they gift a permanent upgrade such as +$5 starting cash to boot.

4. Exchange sardines for Bonus Points. Sardines are infinitely renewable through completing modes, but are probably left better off for buying Power-Ups, as Bonus Points are also infinitely renewable.

Learn 2 Fly

Learn 2 Fly has the following methods to earn Bonus Points:

1. Earn Medals to earn Bonus Points. These can only be completed once.

2. Complete Story or Classic Mode. Based on the Challenges completed and the number of Days. A full list of details can be found in this Google Doc.

3. You earn Bonus Points per every "Day" in Arcade Mode.
